viernes, 13 de julio de 2007

IDJ 3-Osc VA 1.2

IDJ 3-Osc VA es un vst hibrido con Triple oscilador estas son todas sus caracteristicas :
* 2 Oscillators with 7 waveforms, pulse width, FM and sync
* 1 Oscillator with 68 waveforms
* 1 ADSR Envelope
* 1 Multi Mode Filter with Envelope
* 1 LFO with multiple destinations
* 1 Modulator with multiple sources and destinations
* 1 FM Modulator with Envelope
* 1 Pitch Modulator Envelope
* 1 CV and Groove Sequencer to Modulator with 4 Memory Slots
* X-Y Controller with direct input Joystick support
* 2 delays with pan
* 64 Patches with professional sounds
el vsti es Freeware y os la bajais aki

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